jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


Ken Robinson, in a talk about creativity and school raised and interesting point of view about the 2 topics and the relation there is between this two concepts, he says that school kills creativity, the principal reason he give is because traditional education is center on traditional areas like math and language so the all word is around this. The objective of the education is prepare to someone to enter to the university, but when people think in the most important and necessary careers almost everyone think in this two areas. In other aspect, creativity is seen like something wrong, and everybody is afraid to be wrong so the formal institutions of education, like schools doesn’t give too much importance to art, and doesn’t focus in develop this area.

I think that this point of view is very pertinent. If we just think in the subjects of school, math, language and science has more time in the schedule. The education must point at the complete and integral development of a person, and then the student will be able to choose an activity, so these three things (Math, language and art) must have the same kind of importance. The intelligence need to be seen as a way to solve problems and also to display innovation and creativity, Like Ken says intelligence is diverse and dynamic
In the example of the girl who like to dance is very clear the importance of other areas according to each person. If someone will tell her to calm down, she wouldn’t develop her talent and creativity with dance.

5 comentarios:

  1. Well, it´s true that education must point at the complete and integral development of all of us, but society does´t understand very well to artist. It`s true too what Robinson says: if you want to be a dancer, o an artist, everyone is going to say to you that is a bad idea!
    Really a polemic topic!

  2. Hi Rocio (:
    I'm agree with you, that math, language and art have to be the same level of importance if we want to kid could develop their talent.
    see you :P

  3. It is very connected with the idea of multiple intelligences. We all have different ones and they all need to be satisfied. I think

  4. Yes, i'm agree with you. In this society there is not place for people who want to development integral areas... i think that is a problem, but it's very difficult change it in this society.


  5. hi!
    it's absolutely truth what you say about education must point at the complete and integral development of a person, cause that is the main tools we should have to take choices later.
