jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Black and withe.

Today I was looking the blog of Tomás, and I realized that he used his own name to give a title to his blog. The name of the site URL is Curicorlz, I think this is because he`s from Curicó so he like very much his city. The first impression that I have when I enter to Tomas’s blog is of sober, I mean that the colors his choose (black and white) are very subtlest and they are also very pretty (at least in my personal opinion). Anyway, I think that he can add a little more of color to create a nice contrast between black and some colors.

Within the nine posts of Tomás there is one that I like it very much, the name of this post is “A nice place” and that was the same tough that I have when I read it because he talk about a trip that he do with his family to a beach that is located far away of the human settlement, I love when he talks of the moon and the beautiful and fantastic view that this place has of it, this make me thought in the nice view that you can find on the field.
Well, there is also another thing that I like of this blog, this is the good pictures that Tomás always add to his post , I think he takes some dedication when he choose the picture. With regards to the grammatical and technique part I would say that he has a lot of abilities to develop ideas but sometimes He forgets to pay attention to the tenses, this is an aspect that I also do, so we both have to improve it.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


Ken Robinson, in a talk about creativity and school raised and interesting point of view about the 2 topics and the relation there is between this two concepts, he says that school kills creativity, the principal reason he give is because traditional education is center on traditional areas like math and language so the all word is around this. The objective of the education is prepare to someone to enter to the university, but when people think in the most important and necessary careers almost everyone think in this two areas. In other aspect, creativity is seen like something wrong, and everybody is afraid to be wrong so the formal institutions of education, like schools doesn’t give too much importance to art, and doesn’t focus in develop this area.

I think that this point of view is very pertinent. If we just think in the subjects of school, math, language and science has more time in the schedule. The education must point at the complete and integral development of a person, and then the student will be able to choose an activity, so these three things (Math, language and art) must have the same kind of importance. The intelligence need to be seen as a way to solve problems and also to display innovation and creativity, Like Ken says intelligence is diverse and dynamic
In the example of the girl who like to dance is very clear the importance of other areas according to each person. If someone will tell her to calm down, she wouldn’t develop her talent and creativity with dance.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Photographs =)

I love photographs and cameras, the capacity and ability they have to capture moments and show expressions, emotions, feelings, light and colors is fantastic, also in many opportunities when you look a photo you can be many time watching it and discovering the details that revels is real content. So photographs has an emotional and an esthetic value that make me be very interest on this.

This photograph was taken for me a year ago, I remember I was with my family in my aunt’s house, it was starting to get dark, I look outside and I saw a great view of Santiago and a beautiful sunset with big mountains in the background, so I decided go out with my camera and take the photo, I took a lot of pictures because the first ones seems to me to much blurred, the reason was that the scenery didn’t has the light necessary, and I didn’t had a tripod so I cant move myself and I have to be very calm.

The 4th or 5th attempt was the good one son I can finally take the photo without move myself, and I like pretty much the results because the lights of Santiago appears very little and the contrast between the mountain and the sky was very amazing to me. The panoramic and nice view of Santiago makes me think that is not a ugly city like I often think

Days after I show this picture to a good friend of my and he like it a lot, so this was his birthday gift.

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

My best friend is Daniela Chacón but everyone call her Dicha, We knew each other since 2001, the year that she enters to my class. We started to be best friends a year later and since that date until today we had never had a big argument, I think this is because we share many things like music, movies, literature, and taste in food and clothe and we both have relaxes personalities .

Like we love the same kind of music she´s an unconditional partner to go to concerts or just sing nice songs while we are doing anything, we also enjoy going to the same kind of places, and we love go to new and different parts of Santiago with 2 of our friends, Cami and Paulina (Who also appears in the picture). In winter vacations we used to go to the beach the four of us so this are moments that I always remembered.

Dicha study at the UMCE, so in this year, the first year that we are not studding together we try to make us a little time to have lunch together or just a minutes to drink a coffee and have a nice conversation.

She has a specially personality because she’s quiet an peaceful but she also is very funny and has an agile humor, she thinks pretty different to other people so that’s a characteristic that make us good friend

She’s always a connection with the earth for me, specially when I started to complicate myself with everything she always has a good advice for me. I think that this is a difference between us, that she’s more practical. But this difference make a good balance in a frienship.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010


To be a psychologist you need a special ability to listen people and be interest in the human problems, I mean, problems of the society and the individual ones, and also be a person with an open mind. I think that you must enter to this career with these abilities. In other aspects you need a good capacity reading; I hope this skill can be learning during the first or second year.

Psychology is a social science, so is very important find in the program of the career subjects that can establish a connection with the deferments kinds of social sciences, like history, sociology or anthropology with psychology, so the student will be able to has an outlook of the social problems. The university gave to us this but in a incomplete way, because we have the subjects but this connection is missing. To this career is missing to better programs of final activities after the 4th year, is very clear that subjects in this year need more quality. But a good element in this university is that there is not doubt that here you can find an excellent social environment.

In this moment I feel that in the future I can develop the psychology in many ways an areas, in my case im very interesting in Social Psychology but first, I want learn things of all the areas to be a psychology with more knowledge.