miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011


When I heard the word euthanasia I think immediately in a sick person who is suffering with his condition. I know that voluntary euthanasia is illegal in many countries except United States and involuntary euthanasia is illegal in the majority of countries. In this moment I don’t remember a famous case of this but I remember a very good movie called “Mar adentro”. This movie talks about this topic and is base on a true story. It’s about a man who was left quadriplegic after an accident, his condition is incurable and he was 29 years lying on a bed, this man try to do legal his own euthanasia but he can`t get the consent for the state so he committed suicide in collusion with various family members and friends who were never charged, because he developed a sophisticated plan to protect them. I don’t practice any religion, but the Catholicism (that is practice for the most of the Chileans) prohibits the euthanasia, in my personal opinion the government doesn’t have the right to keep a person alive considering the pain and the decision of the sick person and his family, In my case, I’m agree with euthanasia and I think that the discernment have to be more flexible.

*The image of this post is from the movie "Mar adentro"

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

A new and strange term

I would say that I dont have many academic expectation about this new term because is too short and the subjects that I`m taking are too boring like Introduction to the Psychologycal evaluation or Cognitive neuroscience. I know that this sounds very pessimist but it`s difficult form me go back to class afther six month on strike learning and doing more intresting things that are more usefull for life.

Apart from that, having class in summer makes me feel automatically tired. The idea of take a test a day after new year its sad and I can`t imagine the suffocating warm in the classroom

Anyway, I prefer to think that this two months will be past as fast is possible and all the time that we were on strike was necessary for a incipient construction for this student movement.