sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

To take pictures.

I don’t like technology very much, I mean … I’m on favor of the technology as a way to develop innovation and creation but in our society the technology has transformed in a vital necessity of the man. However today I’m going to write about my favorite piece of technology and this is (I think) my digital camera.
I bought this camera on February 2009, with some money that I earn during the summer and immediately I started to take a lot of pictures, I remembered that a few days later, I went to the south for holidays so I can take a lot of nice pictures of the south. I like this camera because has a lot of manual and automatic programs to take pictures, so I can learn more of photography and also keep good captures of places or moments.
When I go out and I don’t take with me my cam, there’s always a moment during the day when I think that I would like had bring it because there’s always little places of the city that deserves be captured.In the summer I was in Buenos Aires, so my camera was with me the hall trip and was very interesting try the manuals programs to photograph this beautiful city. After I started my classes (when I have more time than now) I used my camera with frequently but now I don’t have much time to go out and take pictures and sometimes Im very bored without it.
*This is one of my first pictures that I take in the south with the camera.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

In the south.

I`d like to talk about a nice and special place in Chile, this is National Park Conguillio and it`s located in the IX region of Chile. The name of the park has relation with the native language of this area, the Mapudungun, so Conguillio means water with pine nut .In this park there´s an important native wood, and here you can find Alerces, millenary Araucarias, Robles, Coigües, etc. You can enjoy too a privileged view of the Llaima Volcano, see the wonderful lakes like “Laguna arcoíris” or “Laguna Verde” and you can also swim on the Conguillio Lake like I did. This is a perfect place to take pictures, to walk around the nature and breathe the south air.

I think this is one of the most beautiful places in our country because the peaceful that the nature transmitted is incredible, I believe that in the south of Chile you can feel the nature and the green on it with all their intensity trough the trees, the rain, the lakes, the flowers and the few intervention of the man. I feel a huge happiness when I´m in the south.

The first time that I went there I was very little, maybe 3 or 4 years and I went with my family for holidays, the last time that I went was on February, 2009. I would like come back to this place and to the south in general.
This picture shows an Araucaria, and in the background you can see the Conguillio Lake and the mountains around it.

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Deep and simply as Benedetti.

Well, today I have to write about an important person, I mean, about a person who I admire in some way. So like I’m very interesting in literature I’m going to talk about Mario Benedetti, He was a Uruguayan writer who wrote poetry, novels, plays, essays, political articles, and polemical songs and also short stories. He was one of the most representative author of the "Generation of 1945".

He died on May 17, 2009 in his house in Montevideo.

With his political articles he can show is socials preoccupation, whit his narrative he captured all the idiosyncrasies of the Uruguayan middle class, and with his poetry he displayed the creative and delicate of his work.

I think that the things that I most admire of him, are his simply but deep sense to write about daily things as love, kids, friends or just life, so for this reason Benedetti is a writer who can touch to every person.

There’s a short story that I like very much, and is name is “Esa boca” and is about a kid who wanted to go to the circum and see the clowns, but when they parents decided to take him, He found the real lines of expression of sadness in the clown´s mouth.
Ps. If you have some time to read, will always be a nice poem form Mario that you can enjoy =)