The environment care practices likethe recycling is growing in importance in many countries and more people are realising, that if they recycle their products instead of throwing them away they can help to prevent and reduce the polution.
There are some campaigns on television that talk about saving energy, and there are also eco-friendly groups in university that try and promote a greener lifestyle. I try to make recycling one of my habits, but it’s still not a habit of mine, and I don’t have many opportunities outside of university to make a recycling etiquette. Anyway, I try to saving energy at home or to not throw garbage on the street or prefer recyclables product when Im buying something, …very basics habits. Since I live very far away from college, I mostly use public transportation.
Santiago doesn’t have a municipal recycling program and in proper legislation and social consciousness regarding this issue. The environmentalism shouldn`t be a consign only of one organization, shoul be a consign of all, goverments, people and organization.
I have never joined or supported an eco-organization because I’ve never had enough time or information, and because I think that the enviroment care must be first of all part of the public policy, specially because there are some countries (imperialist countries like the USA) that consume all the resources and development their industry and economy through pollution and natural resources exploitation of many countries. I mean that the reciclyng and all the good habits to care the environment are very usefull, they are not enough they must be accompained by a sustainable development plan respected by all.
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