Hi to everyone! Today I’m going to write about the animals. I love dogs and cats, especially when they are still puppies and kitties, but I’m not precisely an animal lover, because I think that a real animal lover must be dedicated and committed with the animal’s right and also devote part of each day to care and play with your pets if you have one. However, I have two pets, both are Yorkshires. They are a little grumpy but very loving.
I think that all kind of animals deserves minimal conditions of life. Actually, the human ambition use animal for their own good and forget about the animal suffering. In my country there are lot of animal rights groups that defends animals. Immediately comes to my mind “Elige Veganismo” an organization that promotes vegan lifestyle. Personally, I think it's a little extremist to stop drinking milk, and stop use clothes made by animal’s products. Anyway, this organization is characterized by consistent and have clear arguments for their cause.
In my country there are around 250 endangered species, due to human exploitation and the destruction of the environment
Animals are usually used in circuses, zoos, aquariums and traditional sports. In these cases they are not provided with the space and minimal conditions. Also, the suffering of animals used in experimentation is common, they are locked and humans, causes them to get diseases. Also, the use of animals to try cosmetics
If animals could make a documentary movie about humans, they definitely show the exploitation and denouncing our abuses.
If I could be an animal, I will be a Pudú because they are small, live in the south and are very friendly.
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