miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012


Hi to everyone! Today I’m going to write about the animals. I love dogs and cats, especially when they are still puppies and kitties, but I’m not precisely an animal lover, because I think that a real animal lover must be dedicated and committed with the animal’s right and also devote part of each day to care and play with your pets if you have one. However, I have two pets, both are Yorkshires. They are a little grumpy but very loving.
I think that all kind of animals deserves minimal conditions of life. Actually, the human ambition use animal for their own good and forget about the animal suffering. In my country there are lot of animal rights groups that defends animals. Immediately comes to my mind “Elige Veganismo” an organization that promotes vegan lifestyle. Personally, I think it's a little extremist to stop drinking milk, and stop use clothes made by animal’s products. Anyway, this organization is characterized by consistent and have clear arguments for their cause.
In my country there are around 250 endangered species, due to human exploitation and the destruction of the environment
Animals are usually used in circuses, zoos, aquariums and traditional sports. In these cases they are not provided with the space and minimal conditions. Also, the suffering of animals used in experimentation is common, they are locked and humans, causes them to get diseases. Also, the use of animals to try cosmetics
If animals could make a documentary movie about humans, they definitely show the exploitation and denouncing our abuses.
If I could be an animal, I will be a Pudú because they are small, live in the south and are very friendly.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Environment care

The environment care practices likethe recycling is growing in importance in many countries and more people are realising, that if they recycle their products instead of throwing them away they can help to prevent and reduce the polution.

There are some campaigns on television that talk about saving energy, and there are also eco-friendly groups in university that try and promote a greener lifestyle. I try to make recycling one of my habits, but it’s still not a habit of mine, and I don’t have many opportunities outside of university to make a recycling etiquette. Anyway, I try to saving energy at home or to not throw garbage on the street or prefer recyclables product when Im buying something, …very basics habits. Since I live very far away from college, I mostly use public transportation.

Santiago doesn’t have a municipal recycling program and in proper legislation and social consciousness regarding this issue. The environmentalism shouldn`t be a consign only of one organization, shoul be a consign of all, goverments, people and organization.

I have never joined or supported an eco-organization because I’ve never had enough time or information, and because I think that the enviroment care must be first of all part of the public policy, specially because there are some countries (imperialist countries like the USA) that consume all the resources and development their industry and economy through pollution and natural resources exploitation of many countries. I mean that the reciclyng and all the good habits to care the environment are very usefull, they are not enough they must be accompained by a sustainable development plan respected by all.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Music! (:

When I’m at home studing, doing the cleaning, resting or cooking, also when I go out and I'm in the metro or walking by the street: music is a very important part of my life and of each situation. The differents melodies can be a company that later, when you are older will be part of your memories.

I like a wide range ol music, like cumbia, hip-hop, trova, blues, reggae, and argentine rock specially the 80’s and 90’s like Charly garcia and Fito Paéz. I like this music because have a great rithym and content in the lyrics and also because when I was a child mi Dad used to listened this music, so my first memory of learning a song is “11 y 6” by Fito Páez. I think all kind of music is valuable althought there is some music that I’don’t listen like Pop music, or heavy metall beacause It doesn’t transmit anything.

My music resources are internet (specially blogs) and a little collection of cd’s that I buy once in Argentina or that I buy when they are sheaper. Also, I loved concerts (massive or more private) I remember a great concert in the 2008 called “Salvador Allende, cien años, mil sueños”.
I don’t know how to play any instrument, this is very sad because I love singing with my friends and their guitars or just in the shower.For me, the importance of the music is the ability to transmited, share feelings and be part of your memory.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Democracy begins at home

How Child care can contribute to a mature and selfness society? An interesting article about the work of Sue Gerhardt, a psychotherapist, attempts to answer this question. Sue has been working on the development of infants; a few years ago she published the book “The selfish society”, it states a relation between the infant's brain and the global challenges of the planet.

According to this book, if everyone improves care and attention we give to our children, we can create a better society. The key is the emotional development, specifically by changing the experience of early dependence on others into a positive experience for increasing numbers of children, there will be more capacity to extend concern to the wider community.

The Psychotherapist take the story of a little boy called George, who received the best education and he had everything he wanted except an emotional security so when he grow up he seek positions of power to reclaim a sense of self-esteem and he became president George Bush .

The rearing environment and the experiences for a baby are very important. Also for a child to have at least one permanent relationship with an adult of his family who listens and cares
Sue suggests certain claims to work in childcare like the right to flexible work, access to parent-infant psychotherapy and some money to support parents.